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Wednesday 27 April 2016

Whose Poodle Now?

Barack Obama sees the EU with its commitment to neo-liberalism as an instrument of American foreign policy, and TTIP as the goose that lays the golden egg. He is concerned that Brexit could jeopardise that arrangement, hence his audacious comments.

Leaving will not result in a bonfire of workers’ rights, that’s already happened under Tory governments, with Blair tightening the screw. UK membership has not prevented the enforcement of the most illiberal labour laws in the developed world nor the most savage cuts in social provision for 100 years. Greece learned in a most brutal fashion that the notion that the EU protects workers is a myth.

Blair was crazy Bush’s poodle. Now Cameron is Obama’s poodle. The time is ripe for us to slash the poodle’s leash. It’s not too late for Jeremy Corbyn to face down his right wing blackmailers and oppose the fat cats’ club and join the campaign for a United Socialist States of Europe.

Tony Mulhearn

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